Thursday, September 2, 2010

September 2: National Beheading Day

Interesting, eh?

Here is a little tidbit for you:

Mary Mary Quite Contrary
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells and cockle shells
And pretty maids all in a row.

There are several theories on the origins of this nursery rhyme. One, however, is particularly appropriate today. Mary Mary is thought to have been Mary I of England, A.K.A. Bloody Mary.
The garden refers to the increase in size of graveyards due to the execution of those that opposed her Catholic faith. Silver bells and cockle shells were both nicknames for torture devices. Specifically, silver bells being screws that were tightened between two hard surfaces crushing a thumb and cockle shells being used on the genital region of the victim. Finally, pretty maids was a reference to the guillotine, commonly called maidens or maids. Charming huh?

Another tidbit: There is no definitive evidence that Marie Antoinette said "Let them eat cake" or actually "Qu'ils mangent de la brioche". Poor thing lost her head over a bad piece of gossip. Oh well....Off with her head!

Dinner tonight was an adventure. I attempted to make Contemporary Peppered Steak (I think it is supposed to be an updated Salisbury Steak sort of thing), however they fell apart. So, I made a sort of loose-meat sandwich on croissants (which I purchased in honor of Marie Antoinette) topped with swiss cheese and grilled onions. They were pretty good for an utter mistake. Here is a picture:

Now I think I will go have a Bloody Mary and make the Mister watch Marie Antoinette or Alice in Wonderland with me.

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