Wednesday, September 1, 2010

September 1: Emma M. Nutt Day

Who is Emma M. Nutt you ask? Well, she was the very first female telephone operator. Pretty cool, huh? So, for the rest of this post you need to read it using your best nasally, telephone operator voice.

Before I tell you how we celebrated the day I thought I would show you how the day started for me.

I found this crawling on my pillow:

You may notice it has a bumpy lower half. After I scooped it up into a cup and dumped it into the toilet this is what I discovered the bumpiness was:

Yes, those bumps were baby spiders. This is a wolf spider. It is an interesting spider that lays its eggs and once they hatch, the little suckers ride around mama for the first part of their lives. And I was lucky enough to have this crawling on my pillow. As you can see I flushed the Family Wolf down the drain and washed the spiders out.

On a brighter note, Little Lady made the A team (not the BA Baracus kind of A-Team) for volleyball. Hooray Little Lady! Oh, and she also found out she will be getting her braces on next week. Big day for the little one.

Now, to Emma M. Nutt Day. Besides occasionally speaking while plugging our noses, we ate peanut M&M's of course (get it? Emma M. Nutt, M&M ....?). Since I committed mass spidocide today I decided to try to appease Buddha with an M&M to help bring my Karma back into balance :).

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